Hidden password generator | Webapp
Easy, safe, strong and hidden password generate tool.
He generates a x-digits password, hidden copy it to your clipboard (to prevent sniffer, hacker screenshots) and deletes it automatically
Cipher or Decipher your important text or data webapp
You have a special text or digital data and you want to cipher it for a special reason?
Use our easy, fast and secure to use web/ microapp to cipher the content and download it into a .txt (or other) file and store it somewhere on your drive(s).
We do not sniff, spy or save like others. This is also our main target in this branch of industry.
And hopefully to clean up a bit in the industry.
Project managment application
Organize your project, notices, work, workers and many many more.
Release: Second quarter of 2024.
Free Android note and todo app
Write down your ideas. Export it encrypted or decrypted
Ultra simple tiny and clean, but usefull. Njoy.
Release: soon.

Advanced Password Generator and Phraser
Advanced and easy to use Password generate tool
Who let you generates a X Num visible and configurable Password.
Release: soon.

pmx (mobile)
Project managment application connection app
Connect your tasks and work in sync with the PMX desktop app. In development.
Release: Second quarter of 2024.

01X trading tools
Crypto trading tools developed for and with 01X
Advanced and easy to use trading tools.
Be one step ahead and in time for you success.
Webside and App releases: 2024.
01X APP Bundle
Crypto trading tools developed for and with 01X
Advanced and easy to use trading tools.
Be one step ahead and in time for you success.
Webside and App releases: June 2024.
coming soon
Language & education communityDeveloper workflow & education helper. Knowledge compendium service with a integrated store.
Easy to use & high efficency.
First as webservice, later available for iOs
Android & Windows
coming soon
Crypto currency price checkA simple crypto currency price check mobile APP in realtime. Supported exchanges are:
Bittrex, Cryptopia, Binance, Bitfinex, GDAX and Kraken.
coming soon
Crypto live view & analyticsA webservice for realtime prices and other analytic data for Bitcoin and other currencys to support and based on the Bittrex exchange.
coming soon
Price and product comparsionA free webservice via webpage to check
the best price and review of your fav product
that you want to buy.
Price, reviews, trending and product comparsion
Everything you need to know before making a bad purchase.