Interactivity & animationYour Web- or Mobile application for Windows, Mac or Linux deskop ?
Currently not possible for you ? We made it! Your individual desktop software for your company.
To improve your operations, save time + ultimately increase your budget!
Mobile applicationYour own hybrid android, ios, windows or nodejs/ javascript applications? No prob! Just ask for it ;)
Our mission is to design and reshape the new digital economy with you.
Worldwide Web-applicationsOur main target in this branch of industry is to produce large, international and multilangual web-applications.
With the highest possible security standards and this without! spying on your own customer and passing his data to various third parties. We are advanced!
MicroApps for Web, Mobile or deskA little big idea? Razz Fazz into a microapp and get out of it. Whether for mobile, web or desk. We did this quickly for each of these areas. And the customer can enjoy it as quickly as possible.
Interactivity & animationCutting & video Animation is a spin-off
of our company.
We'd love to animate content.
Audio prodution, mastering, jingles & animationCorporate design, but no audio?
We will deliver a unique sound.
Or you have a sound for your trailer, youtube content or webseide and it sounds poor, we are your choise!
Digital mastering and cutting is also possible.
Provide informationsInformation is everything in these days!
Whether stock exchange courses, science, product prices or art and howto tutorials, we would like to inform the population correctly and favorably with various projects.